5 Facts about Ying you Might Not Know

5 Facts about Ying you Might Not Know

Ying is a mom of 5, entrepreneur, business school graduate, multilingual, and overall boss babe. She manages her home, children, business, and employees. She loves babies and has a passion for designing sleep solutions for fellow mommas. Read our article to hear 5 incredible facts about our founder here at Kyte BABY.
Caring for Your Baby's Hair Reading 5 Facts about Ying you Might Not Know 3 minutes Next Safe Pajamas for Safe Sleeping

1. Ying and her husband are from China and Ying used to work for the American adoption agencies in China as an interpreter and tour guide while she was a first-year English student at a university. This is part of where her love for babies came from, and she loved bringing families together and seeing the joy in the parents eyes when they finally got to hold their child for the first time.

2. Ying and her family are Canadian citizens and actually own a few baby stores in Canada still. She moved to Canada from China to pursue a degree in Fine Arts and Economics, resulting in a PhD in Economics. After graduate school, she started working as an economist for the central bank of Canada. It was hard for her to return to work after the birth of her first child once her maternity leave was over and decided she needed to make a career change.

3. Hobbies: Ying and her family love visiting local coffee shops, making sushi together, getting Ramen, and taking spontaneous trips together. She thinks it's important for her family to spend quality time together, and to get out and see the world and nature.

4. Ying's daughter struggled with chronic eczema. At night, she would pull open her pajamas to stay cool, which seemed to calm her from constant scratching. Ying started searching for fabric that would be cooling and soothing to her skin. She discovered bamboo was what she needed, bamboo is incredibly soft and 3 degrees cooler than cotton. It's hypoallergenic and temperature regulating. It's also incredibly eco-friendly, uses very little pesticides, replenishes remarkably fast, and requires little water and time to grow.

5. Ying's Aunt Ling was talking to Ying about her factory and about how she was struggling to keep her employees on staff, and was going to have to let some of them go during the slower seasons. Ying told Ling about her idea for a bamboo baby layette and sleep bag company and Ling decided this would be a perfect partnership to keep her employees busy during the slower months. “Babies are born year-round, right?” Ling said. Now Ling's factory is one of the few successful factories in her city and she her employees have been able to keep their jobs thanks to this incredible partnership. 


How'd you like getting to know our founder a little better? Do you guys have anymore questions about her? Comment below!

1 comment

Jennifer Oliver

Jennifer Oliver

Thank you for turning your vision into something we all benefit from! We have many babies in our extended family, and are just beginning to use Kyte products with happy results.

Thank you for turning your vision into something we all benefit from! We have many babies in our extended family, and are just beginning to use Kyte products with happy results.

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